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Aplikasi Komik Naruto Java atau Jar

Cara Asyik Baca Komik dengan Aplikasi Komik Java/Jar

Sebenernya aplikasi ini udah lama beredar, tapi baru sekarang Ane sempet memposting di wap ini
Komik java ini hasil karya dari Kang Ulen dan dan Bro Neo Devoicy pemilik menu Aplikasi Handler 2 di menu wap ini, yang juga salah satu admin di GROGOL.US
Berikut adalah beberapa screenshoot dari Aplikasi Komik Java ini :

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Dan atas - bawah - kiri - kanan atau 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 untuk menggeser-geser posisinya
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Sumber file dari Kang Ulen, dan sudah mendapat persetujuan dari beliau

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[2016-02-18 10:04:57] bvTOOXnqIvW4:

Hi Cindy! Thanks for writing and redanig!So my thought is if you find something that works for you..then definitely stick with it. If you are making a decent profit after fees and item cost .then its a good method. I think there are many roads in this reselling that end up at the same destination. I think having a store allows for more ability to let things sit because of the lower listing fees. When I didn't have a store, I did what you did and listed auction items a couple times. After that, I decided whether it was just a dud item or just something that needed the right buyer to come along. And that would make my decision to relist as a Buy it Now . In my store now, I have things that have taken 6 months or more to sell but I'm not losing a lot on the relisting fees so I'm still making a decent profit.Of course, with Ebay, you can often tell if you have a good auction with the number of watchers. Not that that always means it will go sky-high but at least you know you've picked something people are interested in. Then you just have to hope that a good percentage of those people that are interested in your item are going to be around the computer at the time the auction is ending. Which can definitely make for some exciting moments in those last few minutes.It's all still a gamble. But taking as many risks out of it that you can increases your chances of having a successful sale.Yikes this was long-winded I might owe some of you a cup of coffee for redanig this.

[2014-10-23 03:27:51] oizZc4G74:

Grade A stuff. I'm <a href="http://hfbcrzwb.com">unuabstionqely</a> in your debt.

[2014-10-21 03:12:53] dqpoCp6L:

That's an expert answer to an inentrstieg question

[2014-10-20 13:30:16] QyyvkidH2iSh:

Now I'm like, well duh! Truly thkfnaul for your help.

[2014-10-20 12:42:07] CHzviG3A1B:

"同埋好多人話睇完o個位一日到晚“阿B阿B"的少女的精湛演技同“lou打”樣後…反而同情咗嗰個笠佢田雞的燥底導演" yeah! I am one of those "好多人"! hahaha Seriously, that girl is just bad. Maybe TBB can give her a chcnae to do so "re-training" on acting.- Needle at the bottom of the sea

[2014-10-20 10:57:49] 7UOPk2Rqstc:

give a self a clap if feel that u are weak and rest.give a self a big clap when u happy and suscces.life if just like a clap. when u feel that your hand is pain, suscces in on the way =]

[2014-10-20 06:40:45] 5VmzyfMdV:

With all these silly wesibtes, such a great page keeps my internet hope alive.

[2014-08-27 00:37:34] Muqofa:

Bro request komik nisekoi yang java, thanks

[2014-04-22 10:30:34] Naruto sd:

Mantaf sob. . . :D

[2013-01-02 00:43:29] ardie:

Mantap gan postinganya terimakasih udh share komiknya ya

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